All of project Number 5

With the start of project 5, I'm going with Evaluating for this works theme. I have been looking at renaissance pieces and thinking that I will try to make a piece similar to one that I see and like. I want something that makes me think and go for the bigger picture. A piece that will make me look at the small pieces of the piece and make me wonder why was this added to it. I might go with some death scene. Making people think why is this happening. If they are cursed, is it a sign, or is it a being that is punishing them for their crimes they have committed. Or have a battle going on, good vs evil, person vs self, and person, vs person. Have key little ideas in one of those ideas to have people guessing what is going on and does all this one as one giant piece. These three pieces are giving me ideas right now, with the death theme and a plague theme. Just showing the suffering and pain in a piece with a smaller piece. I want a bigger picture of what piece I chose to make for project number 5. Taking an inside look at atopic. I want people to look really well at this piece and see the details that are added.  


As of right now, I am thinking of something to draw

a draft. As I think I really don't know what I should do. Each time I think of an idea, It doesn't go with my topic. 


 What I drew so far as a draft. This piece is going to have two sides, one going to have a polluted side, while the other side is clean and healthy. So far, for the polluted side, I have a factory that has bad gases going back into the air, making the air for people to breathe badly. And to the side of that, there is a river that is being polluted and that's where people go fishing and have fun, but since it's polluted it is taken away from the people and on the other side, it would have a clean version, clean air, and clean water. Showing the difference people make when they live out their lives. 


What I have added to this draft. A forest on fire, a nasty stream by the factory, and a field of trash beside that as well. 


It is the week of making the final parts to this. It will take me all week to do this. Right now. I am looking for the picture that gave me the idea to make this. Tonight, I will start to make some of it and finish by Friday. 

Artist statement

What I want from this artwork is, to show the good and bad side of what is happening to and around nature. To see how clean it is on the good side and see how dirty it can be on the bad side. Show what happens when you do one thing and another and how it can mess up nature and the animals that live in or around it. It's not trying to be political, just want to make something on nature again that goes with my topic for project number 5.



The pics of what I have done. I'm adding details to when I get home tonight.

I have added the color to the piece last night. I have a good portion of it done. When I get back home I will continue it again and try to add more detail and for tomorrow, because Friday is the due date and I want to finish by that date 

I have finished project number five and I'm going to post the final product of it. 


Self Assessment
I created this piece to show two sides of how people see the world. Some see it as a amzing place and only to get better. While others see it as an ugly place and are only going to get worse. That would be the voice of the piece. Purpose to show how people see the world. To me, it shows what some people see the world in their eye's. I think I focused on each area well enough. This piece is going with Evaluating. You have to see this work, to start to get an idea of how people see the outside world. See what people opinion is on this topic and how they would react to this topic. If it's nothing wrong, the world needs no change or if people say they need change in this world to clean up the world, make it cleaner.


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