project number 6


For project number six, the topic is synthesizing. For this one, "It's puller smaller pieces into bigger pieces". I don't know what I'm going to do for that right now, I am thinking for some piece that would come out really well with this. Topics that I think I will go with is something with sports. Have small pieces and make them go to the big picture. Have a meaning to it. Like a goal being scored but for someone. Like if a death happens or for someone they care about ( loved one or other.)

I am starting my draft today. I am going to go with the idea that would be the best for me and the topic.

Artist statement
What I really want to do with my piece is try to get something that goes with Synthesizing. That is my number one goal but, I also want to think about how to add color and more ideas to the piece.

5/23/18 This picture below is what I'm going off for the piece.
 This is the draft so far. Have the background so far. After the background, I am going to try to draft out the deer and get it close to the picture I see in front of me.


I have started out on the final copy of this piece. I'm most likely going to use colored pencil for this. I have some of the background down for the piece. I have done a better job on the deer the second time around. Looks a whole lot better than the one from the draft. If I would use paint, it would look not the best and I would feel disappointed with this one. So that's why I'm going with colored pencil. 


What the deer looks like as of today, looks pretty good to me.  As of today and going forward, I'm going to add the color to this and more of the background work for the piece. The main color will be green, due to the fact the deer is outside. I will also add brown to the deer with spots on it's back.

I have decided to add a twist to it instead, to make it more interesting and not normal. Add a twist to make it weird but still make sense.

I have finished project number six. As this goes with the topic synthesizing.

Self Assessment
For effort I think I did a ok job. Looks good at some parts while at others look not too well. I think I created a good piece. this work went with Synthesizing. The reason is, Pulling together all the pieces you see, you see the monster ( centipede) and the savior (deer). Kinda trying to make it to the last good piece of land that is not corrupt. The deer is trying to save it from the centipede while the centipede is trying to make it die/corrupt it. This kinda goes along with life, by some countries try to make things die in it's path or make it corrupt by their way's. That's what the message my piece is trying to get out. What I learned from this was, don't make your deer too big or it would look like a pig that is tall. 

URL'S to the videos that helped me out with this project:


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